Thursday, October 17, 2013

Nutella Cookies

My history with Nutella is pretty sad and consists of me literally taking a spoon and eating Nutella right out of the jar. And also I'm instantly in love with anything sweet. So be warned this recipe is for those with a sweet tooth.
So basically this is probably the easiest cookie recipe there is on the Internet. They take ten minutes to make and ten minutes to bake (haha that rhymed). But remember to make extra because once you start you can't stop. There are literally only FOUR ingredients involved, sugar, flour, eggs, and Nutella. But hold on. In advance, I do sincerely apologize if you gain ten pounds. Seriously guys, its made out of half a cup of Nutella, so beware. Kay that's all i have to say. You can start baking now. 

Yields: 6-8 servings


- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup of Nutella
- 1 cup flour
- 2 eggs


Well there really isn't much. Go ahead and combine all your ingredients in a bowl and mix well, like really well because Nutella can be difficult to work with. If your consistency is too thick, go ahead and add more Nutella. Grease your cookies sheet and pop the cookies into the oven at 350 degrees. Bake for ten minutes and they should be done. Enjoy :) 


  1. omfg why didnt you post a picture of the finished thing this sounds so good asdfghjkl. guess whos making this over the weekend instead of doing their physics extra credit project :)

  2. omg I am making these cookies RIGHT NOW! I'm not even joking. I have guests coming over soon so I'm going to bake these. I'll let you know what they say! :)

  3. You should list all the cookies seen in the world on your post! :D
